Air Quality studies and health assessments of individuals living in the vicinity of swine confinement operations

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Project Investigator(s): 
KJ Donham, KM Thu, PS Thorne, SJ Reynolds, Institute of Agricultural Medicine and Occupational Health, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, The University of Iowa

This project will provide information on environmental health issues concerning air quality in the vicinity of swine confinement operations in Iowa. The investigation utilizes a questionnaire distributed to residents who live near hog production facilities. The questionnaire measures physical or psychological symptoms associated with nearby hog confinements. Site selection of hog facilities included non-confined hog lots, lagoon/large hog confinements (1000 plus hogs), and medium sized hog confinements with open lagoons. Air samples were taken upwind, downwind, and next to each facility to determine the levels of dust, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia concentrations present.


Thu K, Donham KJ, Ziegenhorn R, Reynolds SJ, Thorne PS, Subramanian P, Whitten W, Stookesberry J; A Control Study of Health and Quality of Life of Residents Living in the Vicinity of Large Scale Swine Production. J. Agri. Health and Safety. 1997; 3(1):13-26

Reynolds SJ, Donham KJ, Stookesberry J, Thorne PS, Subramanian P, Thu K, Whitten P; Air Quality Assessments in the Vicinity of Swine Production Facilities. J. AgroMedicine. 1997; 4:37-45

Subramanian P, Reynolds SJ, Thorne PS, Donham KJ, Stookesberry J, Thu K; Environmental Assessment of Ammonia in Swine Farming Environment by Enzymatic Fluorimetric Method. Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 1996; 64:301-312