Mineralization and Uptake of Triazine Pesticide in Soil-Plant Systems

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Wednesday, September 1, 1993
Dhileepan R. Nair
Joel G. Burken
Louis A. Licht
Jerald L. Schnoor
Journal Title: 
Journal of Environmental Engineering

Deep‐rooted trees planted as a buffer zone can intercept runoff and eroded sediments, thus reducing non‐point‐source pollution due to agricultural chemicals. In this study, Populus sp. were grown in bioreactors with an agricultural soil (silt‐loam) and in a silica‐sand media; both were spiked with 14C uniformly ring‐labeled atrazine. The plants took up over 11% of the 14C labeled atrazine applied to the silt‐loam soil and over 91% of that applied to the silica sand media, with the majority of the 14C accumulating as nonphytotoxic metabolites in the leaves. Research suggests that, in addition to nutrient uptake, poplar tree buffer strips may be effective in removing atrazine from agricultural percolation and runoff water.


Nair DR, Burken JG, Licht LA, Schnoor JL. Mineralization and uptake of triazine pesticide in soil-plant systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 1993 Sep;119(5):842-54. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1993)119:5(842)